09 May After the icy cold winter
After the icy cold winter, in early spring everything comes into blossom. The mountains, which had been a frozen blue-black all winter, is fluffier, a little pinker and pale greener day by day now. I can fall up inside the trees in blossom, my feet lifted up to where there is no gravity.
It takes me a long time to make a painting whole. When the parts don’t connect with each other, I search for how I can get them to call to each other. Each painting goes through this lengthy search process. Improvisation sets me free. Once I’ve found the image, in this case everything coming into blossom, it takes weeks to fine-tune it. Much still gets changed/enhanced in this last process. The painting teaches me by the choices my hands make. I have to step out of the way and trust the presence trying to get born each and every painting. There is no habitual seeing; this is a mediation in color.