Author: Lorna

Everyday, (weather permitting), I am out in the landscape searching for what color the time of day, throughout the day, would form the drawing. As the clouds and light through the clouds hit the hayfield and trees yesterday, everything was in motion all the time....

The long dark shadows of late summer are heavier than the airiness of the going into summer. I went after the light in the trees, on open hay fields, on the mountains, and in the sky. I fall more in love with what oil paint...

file:///Users/lorna/Desktop/cape/Fowler.webarchive and: 28 April 2013 A one-week artists’ C-Scape Grant Award to reside in a shack without electricity or running water, bound by the Atlantic ocean in the Dunes of Provincetown, MA, was offered to me the last week of April 2013. Artists who are not awarded a...

  Only once a year does the Holyoke Mountain Range turn that ruby red that I so love to draw. But now I have to accept the turning of the season that flips the mountains back into their burnished siennas and umber-oranges.  The winds and rains...

I am painting much better than a few weeks ago when I spent most the time scraping back down to surface at the end of each day. I was trying to paint the lava flow of 100 square miles, 40 feet deep, from Malpais,...

Leaving the lush yellow-green beginnings of spring for the New Mexico desert brought enormous challenges. After long travel, including a 7 hour flight, (haggling with the car rental agency employer about the ‘toy’ matchbox compact car’ offered me, of which I could not see the...

One has to be a very healthy, strong person to 'just hold tight' while listening to branches crashing onto the side of the house, then thumping heavily onto the earth, one branch after the other, not knowing if a window would be hit or the...