17 Nov interview 2024
LandEscape Art Review [Lorna Ritz] [92dpi] [link activated] copy...
LandEscape Art Review [Lorna Ritz] [92dpi] [link activated] copy...
My little ‘painting performance’ was a hit. My 3-year old and 4-year old grand nieces called out a color for me to paint on the blank canvas. But they had to close their eyes and imagine a color before calling the color out to me....
A month before Alan had that fateful heart attack on the floor at Logan Airport two years ago, he sent me crimson red peony roots. None opened last year. However, two opened today, just moments ago. Here come my beloved peonies, but Alan's first. When...
I disappeared this Autumn to one of the more dangerous cases of tic disease, and Lyme. Spent time in outer space of the telemetry unit of the hospital but within the solid walls of family and friends, called 'Angels.' Past two days were warmer so I...
Writing about the first painting: "I live between two open hayfields that catch the light on them at drastic angles at sunset. I focused only on the reflection of the sky on the hay, which is why there is no sky. It is at that...
After the icy cold winter, in early spring everything comes into blossom. The mountains, which had been a frozen blue-black all winter, is fluffier, a little pinker and pale greener day by day now. I can fall up inside the trees in blossom, my feet...
Lew and I have watched and listened to each other's painting/music since 1972, attending each other's exhibitions and concerts over decades. The idea to compose improvisationally from each other's work Lew jumped on board first. Music moves in a linear way and painting, even though...
Beyond Habitual Seeing: A Meditation in Color...
Once a year the Holyoke Mountain Range turns ruby red for a mere three days. The shape of Mt. Norwottuck is very hard to draw for me, but I think I am getting better at it. Tomorrow the mountain range will be grey, since the...