painting process has changed

painting process has changed

Painting has become so much more pleasurable than those days back I tried too hard to get it right. Back then, if I was not enjoying the search, I learned to stop painting and rethink what I was after, and then go right there with a passion. Now I just go there. I create a narrative on canvas with color that is so fulfilling, in this case, a mid summer landscape. The greens are already dulling a little from lush July greens. The sun drops down faster. I am never ready to stop painting. Time is always and forever more precious. Morning becomes evening ‘just like that,’ documented by the evolution of the painting on a daily basis. I have learned that a painting is never finished. But once there is a strong presence, which I fine tune over many days, (strengthening connections). I have to let it go or it will become another painting. Knowing when that might happen is when I stop.